A plot for an amulet and a talisman: for money and good luck in everything, for prosperity, protection. Rules for reading plots for welfare, luck or fortune.
9 February 2022
To attract happiness to oneself, people use amulets and amulets not happiness and good luck. A review of the most popular and powerful talismans in this article.
2 August 2021
Since ancient times, people have tried to get amulets and talismans, which, as they believed (and still believe today), protect against all kinds of disasters, bring money, luck and happiness.
1 August 2021
Amulets for money and luck: rituals with different containers for withdrawing money (bank, money house, money box), talisman with coins and banknotes (immutable currency, imperial amulet and Horde, lucky banknote, one-digit bill).
19 September 2020